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Add Invoice


In this screen you can add a new invoice to process the pay of your subcontractor. Please note that you can add any number of invoices to each subcontractor. The invoice should be approved to process pay.

Please remember: On the Payrun page, you can enter the labour charges, overtime, material cost and process the pay of a subcontractor. If there are any other payment or deduction item that you would like to make to your subcontractor, then there is a provision to enter the other payment or deduction item amount in the Invoice.

The Process with invoice option on this payrun screen helps you enter the labour charge, material charge and other payment or deduction amount to be made to the subcontractor. Once you enter and save the invoice, you have to approve the invoice. Only approved invoices can be used to process the pay of the subcontractor.

Please note that you have to either process a subcontractor's pay with Invoice or simply enter the amount on the payrun page and process the pay. You are not allowed to enter and process the pay using both the data. Once you enter the amount in invoice and approve it, by default the amount entered on the payrun page will be defaulted to zero and invoice amount will be processed. So please be careful while entering the amount. This feature was enabled to avoid duplication of the amount entered.


Payrun> CIS Weekly/Monthly Payment > Process with Invoice Enter > Add Invoice

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The fields marked with a red asterisk are mandatory

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