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Employee Pay Summary Details

You can have a quick review of the employee's pay summary before you can approve his/her pay data. If you are happy with the processed pay data and wish to continue further, click on Approve Pay data button in the Payrun Approval screen to approve the pay data. If you are not happy with the processed pay data and wish to change it click on Amend pay data button in the Payrun Approval screen to make any modifications in the pay data.


The summary of the payments to be made to the employee for the selected pay period will be displayed in this section. The payments include the employee's pre-Tax payments, post tax payments, SMP/SPP/SSP/SAP/SHPP/SPBP payments if any, advanced holiday pay if your employee is entitled to, PAYE refund from HMRC for the employee if any, Taxable Gross Pay and Total Gross Pay.


The deductions to be made from the employee's pay for the selected pay period will be displayed in this section. The deductions include pension contribution, student loan to be paid (if applicable), PAYE, NI deductions and total net pay due to be paid to the employee after all the deductions.


In this section you can view the employee's taxable Gross Pay To Date, total Tax paid and deducted To Date and Tax Refund To Date (if any).

Current NI (National Insurance)

You can view the current National Insurance details of the employee for the processed pay period.

Total National Insurance

You can view the current National Insurance To Date details of the employee for current tax year in the current employment only.


In this section you can view the amount contributed by the employee and the employer / contractor towards the pension schemes. The total amount contributed To date and for the processed pay period will be displayed here.

Auto Enrolment Pension

In this section you can view the Pension Scheme Name,Opt In Date,Opt Out / Cease Membership Date. The total amount Employee/Employer Contribution Rate, Pensionable Earnings for Employer Contribution,Tax Relief Arrangement etc.. towards the pension.

Statutory Sick Pay Details

If the employee is eligible for Statutory Sick Pay then, his/her PIW start date, stop date and average weekly earnings will be displayed here.


These sections will be displayed only if the employee is eligible for SMP/SAP/SPP/SHPP/SPBP payments respectively. If the employee is eligible for SMP/SAP/SPP/SHPP/SPBP then the details such as SMP/SAP/SPP earnings, MPP/APP/PPP start and end date during that period will be displayed corresponding to the respective payment sections.

Attachment Order

If an attachment order is issued to the employee, then the order type, the amount to be deducted from his/her pay and status of the attachment order will be displayed here.


This section displays the complete details of the employee's payments and deductions To Date, such as SSP/SMP/SAP/SPP/SHPP/SPBP, attachments, student loan, etc.